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How to use Link(short link feature)

Created on 10 August, 2020 | How to use | 652 views

How to use link(short links)

Hello all,

Before you create a biolink or short-link, you must create one Project

Once Project created, navigate to the respective project. Next to Project links Title, you see a colorful button "create."

Click on 'link'  you get a pop-up of long URL and short-URL.

Write the destination Url in a long URL and chose your short alias name and put that in short URL space.

Click on Shorten URL to generate a shortened URL, You can update the URL anytime and also you can schedule the dates of active.

If any clicks on a shortened URL, it'll automatically redirect to a long URL.

You can track complete analytics in the menu of your link Title.


Thank you.

Updated on 8 September, 2020